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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Perfect Day

One of the things I love most in the whole world is being out in God's creation, worshiping Him.  Yesterday we had the best day EVER.  (A long needed day together)  We woke up, had breakfast, packed a lunch and headed out.  There is a sweet spot by the river in our neighborhood that is a great hiking spot.  With Annalie on my back, and the Camelback (for water) on Adam's, we headed out.  At first, it was a basic walk- on a small man-made trail, down to the bank of the river.  We were skipping rocks, finding fossils, looking for snakes.   Then, it started unfolding into a bit more than a basic walk.  We crossed the streams with our own made bridges.  We roughed it to the other side, and then again, back to the end where there was a huge Boulder ( I mean HUGE- Adam had to lift everybody up- about 7 or 8 feet off the ground).  We ate our picnic there on the rock and enjoyed the beautiful view.  After lunch, we headed back.  Oh, this is where it got interesting. So on the edge of the ravine (I guess that's what you would call it) is a tall rock/stone wall.  We climbed up to the base of the rock wall (through brush and leaves and thistle). Well, the wall was not strait up, it curved outward (almost making the bottom seem like a cave), and that's where we were.  Well, with Annalie on my back, I couldn't do the ducking and crawling required to make it across, so I had to rough it down in the brush and thistle.  haha.  I literally slid on my bottom twice where there was no other option of getting down.  Now this brings me to the topic of... Micah.  This child.   Oh this child.  He knows NO FEAR.  He was scaring me so much, I don't even want to give you examples of the things he was doing.  So I won't.  Imagine the craziest thing a 3 year old could do while hiking.  Now put Micah's face on that 3 year old.  There you have it.  Jude is so funny.  He LOVES this kinda thing.  LOVES it.  BEGS for it when we're not doing it.  But when we are doing it, he's scared to death.  He went so slow- so safe.  He freaked out about twice, thinking he wasn't going to be able to make it across.  Sweet boy.  But Daddy doesn't understand.  Daddy was Micah as a child.  So, this was a good bonding time for Jude and Daddy- Adam was very understanding and patient with him, encouraging him and building up his trust.  After 5 minutes of tears, Jude ended up jumping off that big boulder into Adam's arms.  (after all the other kids did it- including Annalie!).  Annalie was in heaven on my back.  I did hit her in the head with a branch once- and she cried.  And I also knocked her head on the stone wall once- and she cried.  But other than that, she was pointing at everything saying "ISH!" and "HAI!".  So sweet.  Now Abigail- Abigail is the best.  She's gonna make the coolest wife one day.  She was all about it.  Like a pro.  Wasn't scared of anything.  Enjoying it gracefully.

It was so much fun.  Thanks for reading the details.  I know blogs are best when short and with pictures, but I couldn't make this short!  So, I'll post pictures to redeem myself! :-)

 Daddy teaching them how to skip rocks


 Daredevil Micah

Annalie and me  

 Sweet Abigail

Lunch on the rock  

Lunch on the rock! (the rock wall is behind us) 

Handome boys! 

 Boy Bonding Time


Micah playing on the rock- 8 feet above the ground- no fear

After the hike, we came home and took naps, then went to see TANGLED.  IT'S THE BEST!  I can't wait to see it again.  And again.  And again.  You get the picture.  I think it's my favorite princess movie.  Then, out to eat at Monument Cafe (the BEST restaurant in Georgetown).  Since Monument is near the square, we decided to surprise the kids and take them to Galaxy Cupcakes afterward.

Well to our surprise, there was an AMAZING Christmas thing going on down there.  They had FREE cupcakes from "whooville" where everybody was dressed like the grinch stole Christmas.  And then, the best.  Bethlehem Village.  A LIVE MARKET- with all people dressed in first century clothing, and booths set up as shops in the market.  There were soldiers taking the census, a man walking with his donkey, women dancing in a circle with tambourines.  The kids made pottery, milled wheat, and even got to go inside a small version of the Temple!  It was amazing.  I can't describe it properly.  I had no idea anything like this went on!  Oh, but now.  It will be tradition in the Best house.  There was a little play at the end of the village with Mary and Joseph in the stable with newborn Jesus.  It told the story of His birth.  I cried.  It was not cheesy at all.  It genuinely represented God's love for the world on that blessed day.  I loved it.  It was the perfect way to end the perfect day. :-)

And it brought back my passion for this amazing holiday.  Thanks Bethlehem Village!  See you next year...


  1. What a fun day! I wish my parents did stuff like that when I was little haha. Y'all are so cool ;)

  2. I'm crying! This is the stuff childhood memories are made of! What a perfect day, and the kids will always remember it! You are AMAZING parents with AMAZING children! Next time, maybe ALL of us can go? (To the Bethlehem Village thing, not the hiking, I'm not down for that!) See you tonight! LOVE YOU!
